How to fix "No recent conversions" on Google Ads?

How to fix "No recent conversions" on Google Ads?

Most Shopify merchants think there is an issue with their conversion tracking first, but this is not always the case. You might face this error even if your conversions are working properly. So follow along and detect and solve these issues together.

No recent conversions error

If your Shopify sales didn't come through Google Ads, you will see the "No recent conversions" error on Google Ads. But don't worry, we will not leave it at that: there is a way to double-check!

First of all, you will ONLY see the conversions that happened through Google Ads in the conversions page.

You can see the "Last activity" when you hover your mouse at the "No recent conversions" section (as shown below):

You need to make sure your Ads conversions are being tracked well to be able to measure and optimize campaigns: Google Ads Conversion Tracking Setup on Shopify.

Choose the right conversion action

Kindly make sure you are checking the right conversion action. You might have many conversions on your Google Ads account and some of them might not be working.

Last activity check

Now, please pay attention to the "Last activity " section. Does that sound accurate? You might be seeing the date as "today", "yesterday", or whenever your latest purchase happened.

If you are receiving sales on your Shopify store on a regular basis and not seeing it here, then it is a clear sign that your Google Ads conversion tracking is not working (note that the data from the latest few hours might not yet be counted here).

If you see a quite OLD date here, and if you have had sales after that, then we can safely say that your conversion tracking is not working. If you have only had one or two sales in total, we recommend that you wait for more purchases first, because the issue could always be user-related.

Reasons for data discrepancies

You will never see all your sales as a conversion, and there are several reasons for this tracking discrepancy. The most common one is ad blockers. For example, if your client (who made the last purchase) was using an ad blocker, that conversion won't be counted.

If you conclude for certain that your conversion tracking is not working after all these verification steps, please consider the possibilities below:

  • Your conversion ID and label might be wrong.
  • The conversion tag might be NOT ACTIVE in Google Tag Manager (If you are using the conversions through Google Tag Manager).
  • Your Google Ads conversion code may be removed from your additional scripts (If you are using the native Google App or the codes).

Need help?

If you still can't seem to detect the issue, please contact our support team.

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